Magisterium AI


Changelog (03 February 2025)

New Documents Added

Magisterial documents (+131)

  • To the clergy of the Diocese of Rome (February 17, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the General Inspectorate for Public Security at the Vatican (February 14,1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the current course sponsored by the Graduate School of the Ecumenical Institute of Bossey (February 14, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a delegation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (February 14, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral visit to the parish of Saint Mary of the Assumption and Saint Michael in Castel Romano (February 13, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meditation at the conclusion of the sacred Oratorio On the Way to Emmaus at the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary (February 12, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the German pilgrims from Southern Thuringia (February 12, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the community of the Belgian College (February 12, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the delegates of the Italian Federation for Spiritual Exercises - FIES (February 12, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the Episcopal Conference of Uruguay on their ad Limina visit (February 12, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the staff of the Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi and of the Peregrinatio ad Petri Sedem (February 11, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the Study Seminar on family and bioethical issues (February 10, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the new ambassador of Japan to the Holy See, His Excellency Mr. Tadao Johannes Araki, on the occasion of the presentation of letters of credence (February 10, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the administrators of the municipality and province of Rome (February 7, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of military and diplomatic personnel of the Nato Defense College (February 7, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral visit to the parish of Saint Mary Janua Coeli in Rome (February 6, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the administrators of the Regional Board of Lazio (February 5, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the Episcopal Conference of Honduras on their ad Limina visit (February 4, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the General Chapter of the Oblates of Saint Joseph (February 3, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Mayor and the administrators of the City of Rome (January 31, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops and Cardinals from Africa (January 31, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral visit to the parish of Saint Gemma Galgani in Rome (January 30, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the National Congress of the Catholic Union of Italian Pharmacists (January 29, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the Antilles Episcopal Conference on their ad Limina visit (January 29, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the Bank of Italy on the occasion of the first centenary of the its foundation (January 27, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the community of the Almo Collegio Capranica (January 25, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the accredited journalists during the visit to the Press Office of the Holy See (January 24, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Italian pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Sorrento-Castellammare di Stabia (January 22, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the National Association of Italian Municipalities (January 22, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the meeting on pastoral issues of the Catholic Church of the Byzantine Rite (January 21, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Panama on their ad Limina visit (January 20, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of itinerant catechists of the Neocatechumenal Way (January 17, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral visit to the parish of Saint Mary of the Assumption and Saint Joseph in Rome (January 16, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the new Ambassador of Australia to the Holy See (January 13, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the new Ambassador of Belize to the Holy See (January 13, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the new Ambassador of Pakistan to the Holy See (January 13, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the new Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the Holy See (January 13, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the new Ambassador of Thailand to the Holy See (January 13, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To new Ambassadors accredited to the Holy See (January 13, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the Episcopal Conference of El Salvador on their ad Limina visit (January 10, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the Association of Sts Peter and Paul (January 9, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Visit to the Crèche of the Sanitation Workers in Porta Cavalleggeri - Rome (January 9, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the General Chapter of the Congregation of the Daughters of Mercy and the Cross (January 3, 1994) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Polish community for the traditional exchange of Christmas wishes (December 23, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Boys and Girls of Italian Catholic Action (December 22, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Christmas greetings to the Members of the Roman Curia and Prelature (December 22, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral visit to the parish of Santa Maria Regina Apostolorum in Rome (December 17, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To participants in the General Chapter of the Missionary Sisters of Saint Charles Borromeo (December 16, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To pilgrims from the Diocese of Regensburg (December 16, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Polish pilgrims from Zakopane (December 15, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Announcement of the Pastoral Visit to France (December 15, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Bishops of the ecclesiastical Provinces of Bombay, Goa, Hyderabad, Nagpur and Verapoly on their ad Limina visit (December 13, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a Delegation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (December 11, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To various groups of faithful gathered in the Paul VI Audience Hall (December 9, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Tribute to the Statue of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 8, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To pilgrims gathered in Rome for the canonization of Eugenio de Mazenod (December 4, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To members of the Together for Peace Foundation (December 4, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Message to pilgrims at the vigil of the canonization of Eugenio de Mazenod (December 2, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Recitation of the Holy Rosary broadcasted by Vatican Radio (December 2, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To participants in the International Colloquium sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Culture and by the Pontifical Urbaniana University (December 2, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of young journalists from Russia (December 2, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To members of the Hospitaller Brothers of Saint John of God (December 2, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for the Clergy (November 30, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Joint Committee of Orthodox and Catholic Bishops from the United States and Canada (November 28, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To participants in a conference sponsored by the Clinical Medicine Institute of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (November 25, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To partners of the "Centesimus Annus - Pro Pontifice" Foundation (November 25, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To participants in the 10th International Conference of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care (November 25, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Provinces of Agra, Guwahati, Imphal and Shillong on their ad Limina visit (November 25, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Synod of Bishops of the Greco-Catholic Ukrainian Church (November 24, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (November 24, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Greetings to the members of the Mixed Committee for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Assyrian Church of the East (November 24, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Italian Church on the occasion of its third Ecclesial Conference in Palermo (November 23, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life (November 20, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral visit to the Parish of Santi Martiri Martino e Antonio Abate a Tor de' Cenci in Rome (November 19, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To participants in a course of formation on the natural regulation of fertility (November 18, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Counsel for Promoting Christian Unity (November 17, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of Belgium journalists (November 16, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the chapters of the Handmaids of Merciful Love (November 16, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the first Ambassador of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the Holy See (November 16, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the new Ambassador of Pakistan to the Holy See (November 16, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the first Ambassador of the Republic of Suriname to the Holy See (November 16, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To three new Ambassadors to the Holy See (November 16, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for Catholic Education (November 14, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina on their ad Limina visit (November 11, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a pilgrimage of sick people sponsored by "Malteser-Hilfsdienst" (November 9, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • The 30th anniversary of the proclamation of the Second Vatican Council's Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes (November 8, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent DePaul on the 150th anniversary of the Congregation's presence in Zagabria (November 6, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To representatives of the "Federation of Italian Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Associations" (F.A.I.S.B.I.) and members of La strada per l'Arcobaleno (November 6, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Executive Board of the Knights of Columbus (November 6, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral visit to the Parish of Santi Mario e Compagni Martiri alla Romanina in Rome (November 5, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Greetings to the faithful of Syracuse (November 4, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To pilgrims coming to Rome for the Beatification of the Servants of God, Maria Theresa Scherer, Maria Bernarda Bütler and Marguerite Bays (October 30, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the "Pro Petri Sede" Association (October 28, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To faithful from the Archdiocese of Bologna at the end of "Biennio della Fede" (October 28, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of the North 2 Region of the Episcopal Conference of Brazil on their ad Limina visit (October 28, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the symposium sponsored by the Congregation for the Clergy for the 30th anniversary of the decree Presbyterorum ordinis (October 27, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum (October 27, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (October 27, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Greetings to a group of ill pilgrims from Austria sponsored by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (October 26, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the central, regional and diocesan assistants of Italian Catholic Action participating in the annual conference (October 26, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To members of the John Paul II Foundation (October 26, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the 28th Conference of the Food and Agriculture Association (FAO) (October 23, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of the Northeast 5 Region of the Episcopal Conference of Brazil on their ad Limina visit (October 22, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral visit to the parish of San Romano Martire in Rome (October 22, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To members of the Cardinal Joseph Höffner Circle (October 20, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Military Chaplains of Italy (October 19, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of the South 3 and 4 Region of the Episcopal Conference of Brazil on their ad Limina visit (October 18, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Message to the Missionaries of the Holy Family on the occasion of their 10th General Chapter (October 14, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the General Chapter of the Missionaries of St. Peter Claver (October 14, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To pilgrims from the Diocese of Richmond, Virginia, USA (October 13, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To participants in the First Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Patrimony of the Church (October 12, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To participants in the General Chapter of the Carmelite Order (September 23, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To participants in the General Chapter of the Augustinian Order (September 23, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Apostolic Journey to Kenya: Farewell ceremony at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport of Nairobi (September 20, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Apostolic Journey to Kenya: Address at the third session of the Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops in Nairobi (September 19, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Apostolic Journey to Kenya: Welcoming ceremony at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport of Nairobi (September 18, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Apostolic Journey to South Africa: Farewell ceremony at the Johannesburg International Airport (September 18, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Greetings to the faithful in front of the Apostolic Nunciature of Nairobi (September 18, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Apostolic Journey to South Africa: Address at the second session of the Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops in Johannesburg (September 17, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Apostolic Journey to South Africa: Welcoming ceremony at the Johannesburg International Airport (September 16, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Farewell ceremony at the Yaoundé Nsimalen International Airport (September 16, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Address at the first session of the Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops in Yaoundé (September 15, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Welcoming ceremony at the Yaoundé Nsimalen International Airport (September 14, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the children in the Holy House of Loreto (September 10, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the community of cloistered nuns in the Holy House of Loreto (September 10, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the young people on the esplanade of Montorso in Loreto (September 9, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Greetings to the faithful at the Shrine of the Holy House of Loreto (September 9, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Message on the occasion of the General Chapter of the Cistercian Order (September 8, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To members of the International Association for Christian Social Teaching (September 8, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the athletes participating in the first "World Military Games" (September 7, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of pilgrims from Senegal (September 5, 1995) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)