Changelog (09 May 2024)
New Documents Added
Magisterial documents (+46)
- European Sunday Alliance Joint Statement on the European Day for a Work Free-Sunday
- Cardinal Hollerich’s statement on the situation in Ukraine and in Europe
- Statement of COMECE on the proposal of President Macron to include a right to abortion in the Charter of Fundamental Rights
- Statement of Cardinal Hollerich on the current situation in Ukraine
- COMECE Statement on the humanitarian situation of migrants and asylum seekers on the Polish-Belarusian border
- Statement of the COMECE Social Affairs Commission – Listen to the cry of the poor in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic and its recovery
- COMECE-CEC statement on Afghanistan – “Call for prayer, solidarity and urgent action to protect the vulnerable”
- Statement of the COMECE Social Affairs Commission on the EU recovery package
- Statement of the President of COMECE on the erosion of Freedom of Religion in the EU Member States
- COMECE-SECAM Joint Statement in view of the 6th EU-Africa Summit
- COMECE Social Affairs Commission’s statement “Let Europe recover through justice”
- Nazaria Ignazia di Santa Teresa di Gesù (1889-1943) - Biography
- Nazaria Ignazia di Santa Teresa di Gesù (1889-1943) - Homily
- Nazaria Ignazia di Santa Teresa di Gesù (1889-1943) - Apostolic letter
- Nazaria Ignazia di Santa Teresa di Gesù (1889-1943) - Beatification homily
- Francisco e Jacinta Marto (1908-1919) - Biography
- Francisco e Jacinta Marto (1908-1919) - Homily
- Francisco e Jacinta Marto (1908-1919) - Apostolic letter
- Francisco e Jacinta Marto (1908-1919) - Beatification homily
- 30 Martiri del Brasile (1645) - Biography
- 30 Martiri del Brasile (1645) - Homily
- 30 Martiri del Brasile (1645) - Apostolic letter
- 30 Martiri del Brasile (1645) - Beatification homily
- Cristóbal, Antonio e Juan (1527-1529) - Biography
- Cristóbal, Antonio e Juan (1527-1529) - Homily
- Cristóbal, Antonio e Juan (1527-1529) - Apostolic letter
- Cristóbal, Antonio e Juan (1527-1529) - Beatification homily
- Faustino Míguez (1831-1925) - Biography
- Faustino Míguez (1831-1925) - Homily
- Faustino Míguez (1831-1925) - Apostolic letter
- Faustino Míguez (1831-1925) - Beatification homily
- Angelo da Acri (1669-1739) - Biography
- Angelo da Acri (1669-1739) - Homily
- Angelo da Acri (1669-1739) - Apostolic letter
- COMECE Bishops Statement in view of the 2019 European Elections
- 2018 Joint Statement on Climate Justice by presidents of continental Bishops Conferences
- COMECE-SECAM Joint Statement ahead of the 5th AU–EU Summit
- COMECE statement on poverty and social exclusion in Europe – Rescue the weak and the poor
- Statement “The refugee crisis requires a common European solution
- EU Elections 2009 | COMECE Statement «Building a better home»
- Statement «Common values the living source of the European project»
- Statement «Creating a framework for a just society in Europe»
- Message on the occasion of the Buddhist Fest of Vesakh/Hanamatsuri 2024 (6 May 2024)
- Apostolic Letter issued “Motu Proprio” by the Supreme Pontiff Francis to amend the Law on the Judicial Order, to the Law on Provisions for the Professional Dignity and Economic Treatment of Ordinary Magistrates of the Court and the Office of the Promoter of Justice and the General Regulations of the Pension Fund (27 March 2024)
- Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis to Parish Priests (2 May 2024)
- Robotisation of Life - Ethics in view of new challenges