
Changelog (19 December 2024)

New Documents Added

Magisterial documents (+83)

  • To participants in the national competition Truck Driver of the Year (July 4, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of Pueri Cantores from Trois Rivières (July 4, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of notaries from Colombia (July 4, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To scholars on the occasion of the annual session of the International Committee on Sigillography (July 3, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To members of the Congregation of the Marian Regular Clerics (June 30, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Polish pilgrims on the 600th anniversary of the Baptism of Lithuania (June 29, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Delegates of the Ecumenical Patriarchate (June 29, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To faithful from the Italian village of Barile (June 27, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Association of Catholic Journalists from Belgium (June 27, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Address to a group of pilgrims on occasion of the Sixth Centenary of the Baptism of Lithuania (27 June 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of pilgrims on the Sixth Centenary of the Baptism of Lithuania (June 27, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of Latin American Diplomats (June 26, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To participants in the National Congress of Italian Diocesan Envoys for Ecumenism (June 26, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Assembly of ROACO (Reunion of Aid Agencies for the Oriental Churches) (June 25, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Speech of John Paul II to the Federal President of the Republic of Austria, His Excellency Kurt Waldheim (June 25, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Members of the Human Economic Forum Movement (11 December 2024) - Speech (Pope Francis)
  • To participants of the VI International Assembly of the Charismatic Renewal (May 15, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • VI International Assembly of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (May 15, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Bishops of Ethiopia on their ad Limina visit (May 16, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To members of Arche (May 15, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Superiors General of women religious (May 14, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of pilgrims from Canada, France and Italy (May 11, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To participants of the 7th Spring Marathon (May 10, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of pilgrims from Milan (May 9, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a sporting group from the Italian town of Villafranca di Verona (May 9, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To deacons of the Archdiocese of Milan (May 9, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the General Assembly of the Pontifical Mission Societies (May 8, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Polish faithful (May 8, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Hospitaller Brothers and to the Camillians (May 7, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Superior Provincials of the Combonian Missionaries (May 7, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Farewell Ceremony from Germany (May 4, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To seminarians of the diocese of Augsburg (May 4, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Religious Sisters and Novices of the diocese of Augsburg (May 4, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Greeting of John Paul II to the residents of Essen Burgplatz (May 2, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Address of John Paul II to representatives from the world of work Prosper-Haniel Mine (Bottrop) (May 2, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Act of entrustment of Germany to the Virgin of Kevelaer (May 2, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To elderly and sick gathered in the Cathedral of Münster (May 1, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To members of the Central Council for Jews (May 1, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To members of Episcopal Conference of Germany (April 30, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Welcoming ceremony at the Köln-Bonn Airport (April 30, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the General Council of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America (April 28, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To members and staff of the Secretariat for Non-Christians (April 28, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the new Ambassador of Korea to the Holy See (April 27, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral visit to the Roman parish of Santo Eligio ad Ovile (April 26, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Television message to German people (April 25, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To young people of the Living Rosary and members of the Philippine Medical Women’s Association (April 25, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of faithful from Bavaria (April 25, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To cyclists taking part in the Peace Relay (April 25, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To members of the General Management of the Adam-Opel Company (April 24, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Bishops of Belgium on their ad Limina visit (April 24, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To members of the United Nations Administrative Committee on Coordination (April 24, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of university students (April 19, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • At the end of the Way of the Cross at the Colosseum (April 17, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of students from Belgium (April 17, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a group of German speaking faithful prior to the General Audience (April 15, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Greetings to the people of Argentina (April 12, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To representatives of the Argentinean world of culture (April 12, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Bishops of Argentina (April 12, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Act of entrustment of Argentina to the Virgin of Lujan (April 12, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To representatives of various Christian communities (April 12, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To young people gathered in Buenos Aires on the occasion of the 1987 World Youth Day (April 11, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Islamic community in Argentina (April 11, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To representatives of the business world (April 11, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To those in prison (April 10, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Polish community in Argentina (April 10, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To representatives of the world of work (April 10, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Ukrainian Community in Argentina (April 10, 1987) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • General Audience of 18 December 2024 - Cycle of Catechesis – Jubilee 2025. Jesus Christ our Hope. I. The Infancy of Jesus. 1. Genealogy of Jesus (Mt 1,1-17). The entry of the Son of God in history. (Pope Francis)
  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Church of Syracuse on the occasion of the temporary translation of the Body of Saint Lucia (December 13, 2024) (Pope Francis)
  • Message from the Holy Father to participants in the third edition of "LaborDì" promoted by the ACLI Association of Rome (17 December 2024) (Pope Francis)
  • LVIII World Day of Peace 2025 - “Forgive us our trespasses: grant us your peace” (Pope Francis)
  • Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe - Holy Mass (12 December 2024) (Pope Francis)
  • Apostolic Journey to Ajaccio: Holy Mass at “Place d’Austerlitz” (“U Casone”) (15 December 2024) (Pope Francis)
  • To a Delegation of the Evangelical Baptist Roma Mission in Italy (12 December 2024) (Pope Francis)
  • To the Community of the Interdiocesan Major Seminary in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) (12 December 2024) (Pope Francis)
  • To AIL, the Italian Association fighting Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Myeloma (14 December 2024) (Pope Francis)
  • To Participants in the "Christmas Contest" and the 2024 Christmas Concert (14 December 2024) (Pope Francis)
  • Meeting of the participants in the living nativity scene with the Holy Father Francis in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major (14 December 2024) (Pope Francis)
  • Apostolic Journey to Ajaccio: Closing Session of the “La Religiosité Populaire en Méditerranée” Congress (15 December 2024) (Pope Francis)
  • Apostolic Journey to Ajaccio: Prayer of the Angelus with Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Consecrated Persons and Seminarians (15 December 2024) (Pope Francis)
  • To the Delegation of the World Methodist Council (16 December 2024) (Pope Francis)
  • To Members of the Filipino Community in Spain (16 December 2024) (Pope Francis)
  • To Representatives of Leaders and Employees from the Italian Banca Etica, the Cooperative Credit Bank of Abruzzi and Molise, the Cooperative Credit Bank of Central Campania (16 December 2024) (Pope Francis)