Magisterium AI


Changelog (24 January 2025)

New Documents Added

Magisterial documents (+107)

  • To priests, religious and other pastoral workers of Luanda (June 4, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Welcome ceremony at the International Airport of Luanda (June 4, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Bulgaria on their ad Limina visit (June 1, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the faithful coming to Rome for the Canonization of Blessed Claudio La Colombière (June 1, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Address at the Conclusion of the Vatican Procession for the Close of the Marian Month (May 31, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Pilgrims of Autun, Chalon e Mâcon at the Solemn Rite of Canonization of Blessed Claudio La Colombière (May 31, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Presentation of the Results of the "Encounter with the City" of Rome (May 30, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a Pilgrimage of Spaniards Residing in Switzerland (May 30, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Pilgrims of Basilicata (May 30, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the "Daughters of Providence" on the Bicentennial of the Birth of their Founder (May 30, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Speech of Pope John Paul II to a group of members of the International Labor Office (May 30, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Participants in the Reunion of the International Catholic Review "Communio" (May 29, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Southern Africa on their ad Limina Visit (May 29, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Faithful of the Diocese of Portsmouth (May 29, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a Muslim Delegation from Sarajevo (May 25, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a Macedonian Delegation on the Occasion of Celebrations in Honor of Sts. Cyril and Methodius (May 25, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a Bulgarian Delegation in Rome for the Solemnity of Sts. Cyril and Methodius (May 25, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the Young People of the Archdiocese of Capua in Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Caserta, May 24, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Visit to the Juvenile Rehabilitation Institute Andrea Angiulli of Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Caserta, May 24, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the Telecommunication Workers in Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Caserta, May 24, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the Townspeople of Capua (Caserta, May 24, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Priests, Religious and Missionaries of the Diocese (Caserta, May 24, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Students of the School of Military Aeronautics (Caserta, May 23, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Townspeople in Piazza Dante (Caserta, May 23, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Entrepreneurs, Workers and Townspeople in the "Wholesale Development Center" of Nola (Naples, May 23, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Priests and Religious in the Cathedral of Nola (Naples, May 23, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Participants of the 20th General Assembly of the International Catholic Center for UNESCO (May 21, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To a Hellenic Delegation on the Occasion of Celebrations in Honor of Sts. Cyril and Methodius (May 21, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Pilgrims in Rome for the Beatification of Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer (May 18, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Pilgrims in Rome for the Beatification of Sr. Giuseppina Bakhita (May 18, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Participants of the 10th General Chapter of the Little Work of Divine Providence (May 16, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Rwanda on their ad Limina Visit (May 16, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Participants in the International Symposium on the History of Evangelization in Latin America (May 14, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Italian Bishops Participating in the 35th General Assembly of the Episcopal Conference (May 14, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity (May 14, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Representatives of the "United Bible Societies" (May 14, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Inauguration of the Virgin of Guadalupe Chapel in the Vatican Crypt (May 12, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Members of the Supreme Council of the Pontifical Missionary Works (May 11, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Uganda on their ad Limina Visit (May 11, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral Visit to the Parish of San Gabriele dell'Addoloratain Rome (May 10, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical CouncilCor Unum (May 9, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Participants in a Pilgrimage Sponsored by the "Association Calixte II" of Besançon (May 7, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To Participants of the "Columbus Voyage Trip to Italy"(May 7, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Board of Directors of the Gregorian Foundation (May 5, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Visit to the Military Memorial of Redipuglia (Udine, May 3, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Visit to the Casa dell'Immacolata (Udine, May 3, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the Young People of Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Udine, May 3, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the Townspeople in Piazza del Comune (Udine, May 3, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Visit to the Cathedral of Gemona (Udine, May 3, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meditation after the Rosary in the Cathedral (Gorizia, May 2, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Townspeople in Piazza della Vittoria (Gorizia, May 2, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Visit to the Port of Trieste (Trieste, May 2, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the Administrators and Politicians of the Region in Verdi Theater (Trieste, May 2, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Benedictine Nuns of the Monastery of St. Cyprian (Trieste, May 2, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Visit to the University of Trieste (Trieste, May 2, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with Priests and Religious in the Cathedral of San Giusto (Trieste, May 1, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Visit to the Shrine of Mary, Mother and Queen at Monte Grisa (Trieste, May 1, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Greetings in the Square of the Cathedral of San Giusto (Trieste, May 1, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with the Townspeople in the Cathedral Square in Concordia (Pordenone, May 1, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Visit to the Zanussi Factory (Pordenone, May 1, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Meeting with Representatives of the Workforce (Pordenone, May 1, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Visit to the Institute for the Disabled La Nostra Famiglia (Pordenone, May 1, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the people of Pordenone (April 30, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the people of Aquilea (April 30, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Burkina-Faso and Niger on their ad Limina visit (April 30, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the Plenary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (April 30, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the World Union of Catholic Teachers (WUCT) (April 29, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Ordinary Public Consistory for the canonization of two Blesseds (April 28, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Visit to Saint John Hospital in Rome (April 25, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Austria on their ad Limina visit (April 25, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Italian pilgrims from Monteforte d'Alpone (April 25, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the 8th National Assembly of the Italian Catholic Action (April 24, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the pilgrims from Würzburg (April 23, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the President of the Lutheran World Federation (April 23, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Greetings to the youth of Univ '92 (April 19, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the youth of the Community of Saint Egidio (April 18, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • At the conclusion of the Way of the Cross at the Colosseum (April 17, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the Society of Saint Paul (April 13, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Missionary Teaching Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (April 11, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the Circolo San Pietro (April 11, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Vigil of Prayer with the youth of the Diocese of Rome in preparation for the 7th World Youth Day (April April 9, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the 9th General Assembly of the International Union of Superiors General (April 9, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of Greece on their ad Limina visit (April 9, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral visit to the Parish of San Bruno in Rome (April 5, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Greetings to the Puccini Choir from Sassuolo (April 4, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Greetings to the officers of the Argentinean Navy (April 4, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of France on their ad Limina visit (April 4, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral visit to the Parish of San Giovanni Leonardi in Rome (March 28, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Bishops of France on their ad Limina visit (March 28, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Speech to the Ambassador of El Salvador, His Excellency Mr. Don Roberto José Siman Jacir (March 27, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the pilgrims from the Diocese of Susa (March 26, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the World Methodist Council (March 26, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family (March 23, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Speech to the Ambassador of Argentina, His Excellency Mr. Don Francisco Eduardo Trusso (March 23, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral visit to the Parish of San Leonardo Murialdo in Rome (March 22, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the confessors of the Patriarchal Basilicas of Rome (March 21, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the directors of the Union of Transport for the Sick to Lourdes and International Shrines (UNITALSI) and of the Hospitality of Our Lady of Lourdes (March 21, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the representatives of the world of labour of the Naval Industry in Castellammare di Stabia on the Solemnity of Saint Joseph (March 19, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To priests, religious and seminarians gathered in the Cathedral of Sorrento (March 19, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the people of Sorrento (March 19, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the participants in the International Conference on assistance to the dying (March 17, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the Executive Committee of the Orfeó Catalá (March 16, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral visit to the Parish of Jesus of Nazareth in Rome (March 15, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the pilgrims from the Italian Archdiocese of Camerino-San Severino Marche (March 14, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Conclusion of the Lenten Spiritual Exercises (March 14, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • To the members of the Council of the "International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Office" (March 14, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)
  • Pastoral visit to the Parish of Santi Vitale e Compagni Martiri in Rome (March 8, 1992) - Speech (Pope John Paul II)